Ja som ešte progesterónové kvapky nebrala, zatiaľ len krém, ale chcem si ich tiež objednať, tu je zhruba také doporučenie, ale to neplatí štandardne pre každého, progesterón sa tiež dávkuje podľa symptómov - ak mám PMS, zadržiavanie vody (estrogénová dominancia) - zvýšim progesterón, ak naopak začínam byť ospanlivá, pomalá - symptómy prebytku progesterónu, znížim dávky, po 2-3 mesiacoch dávkovania progesterónu stačia aj menšie dávky, telo sa saturuje:
Cycling Female
Day 0-15 - no progesterone
Days 16, 17 - 8 drops ProGest 3 times daily; after breakfast, lunch and before bed
Days 18, 19 - 10 drops ProGest 3 times daily; after breakfast, lunch and before bed
Days 20 - 21 - 12 drops ProGest 3 times daily; after breakfast, lunch and before bed
Days 22, 23, 24 - 14 drops ProGest 3 times daily; after breakfast, lunch and before bed
Days 25, 26 - 8 drops ProGest 3 times daily; after breakfast, lunch and before bed
Days 27 - 4 drops ProGest 3 times daily; after breakfast, lunch and before bed
Days 28 - 0 drops Progest
Start slowly and build up to full dose.
Adjust dosage if your cycle when you were younger.
Still cycling but the cycles are beginning to vary in length and duration
Tend to be low in Estrogen and Progesterone
Could use PhytoB or PhytoEstrogen products to replace the estrogen
Use Progesterone as needed
Can use Pregnenolone and DHEA to prime the hormone pathways.
Mne sa ale toto postupné branie progesterónu zdá komplikované a zdajú sa mi to aj nejaké vysoké dávky, ja by som si dávala ekvivalent 20 mg, t. j. ca 8 kvapiek ráno a večer, krém som si dávala 2x, 1x u mňa nestačilo. Nevýhoda kvapiek je, že ich treba dávkovať častejšie, pri kréme sa hormón vstrebáva pomalšie cez kožu, lebo podkožný tuk je ako taký depot.
If you have not taken progesterone before (tables or other forms) then your body is not yet used to progesterone. There is a paradoxical effect that occurs and you need to be familiar with it. Progesterone has two effects. It gives a progesterone effect (calming effects) long term but for the short term (several days to a couple of weeks) it also gives estrogenic (excitatory) effects. The estrogenic effects fizzle out over the first week or two while the progesterone effects remain.
Tak toto platilo u mňa na 100%.
Naposledy upravil: bludicka (2011-02-09 08:31:23)