RNG napísal(a):Zinok v roznych formach az do 50 mg denne
DIM je vytazok z kapustovin(diindoil methane, davka 2 x 100 mg), pozri napr na
http://www.iherb.com/Source-Naturals-DI … l&ic=2
Co sa tyka len ciastocneho potlacenia vylucovania mazu skus davku 25 000 IU , mozno aj nizsiu. Kedze sa to v tele skladuje, nemusis to brat kazdodenne, ale len v priemere nejake mnozstvo za tyzden.
Samozrejme , kym sa urcita vyssia hladina vybuduje, tak to nejaky cas potrva, tj neocakavaj okamzite vysledky ale len povedzme za mesiac -dva sa to moze postupne zacat prejavovat.
Mozno by to pracovalo aj transdermalne, tj pridat retinyl palmitate do kremov, podobne aj zinok a niektore rastlinne steroly, napr z korenov zihlavy.
Mastenie koze na noc casto zmierni vylucovanie tukov, hoci napr kokosak najprv zvysi vylucovanie a teda aj acne docasne a len po urcitom case sa to upravi na lepsie.
Dobry den RNG,
Hladala som retinol o davke 10000 IU, kedze by mi stacilo len zmiernit zvysenu tvorbu mazu. Na stranke http://www.iherb.com/Now-Foods-Vitamin- … gels/11192 som citala recnzie a v jednej z nich sa pise:
„Vitamin D & Vit A as Retinol: More recent research has discovered that the ratios of these two vitamins may be of paramount importance in order to extract optimal health benefits, and unfortunately, modern cod liver oil does not supply these vitamins in healthy ratios to each other. People who took vitamin A supplements in cod liver oil, or in supplements, had an 18 percent increase in death rates. Cod liver oil that is clearly excessive in vitamin A as it only has 3 to 60 units of vitamin D per tablespoon but between 150 and 12,000 times as much vitamin A. Both vitamins are essential to obtain optimal health benefits, however, the ratios can become dangerously unbalanced -- much like the omega-3/omega-6 balance, which has become inversed in our modern diet. Cod liver oil is a highly processed food that was never consumed by humans prior to recent times. Dr. John Cannell, of the Vitamin D Council, recommends not taking vitamin A as retinol, (as in cod liver oil), because the vitamin A blocks the positive actions of vitamin D. Dr. Cannell raised questions about the efficacy of cod liver oil due to its highly variable and frequently excessive amount of vitamin A. Typically modern cod liver oil contains far less vitamin D than it used to, due to the deodorization process used today which removes much of this essential nutrient. Dr. Cannell and other prominent researchers believe the vitamin A contained in most cod liver oil is excessive, and can reduce the effectiveness of vitamin D by inhibiting the binding of its active form to your DNA, effectively preventing its ability to regulate the expression of your vitamin D-responsive genes.“ http://www.iherb.com/Now-Foods-Vitamin- … gels/11192
Podla tohto textu mi vychadza, ze vitamin A blokuje pozitivne funkcie vitaminu D a treba ho doplnovat plus cod liver oil obsahuje malo vitaminu D kvoli procesu deodorizacie. Ked som si citala info o tomto vyrobku aj tam bolo doporucene pri uzivani retinolu brat aj vitamin D a lutein.
Ak je to pravda, co uvadza Dr.Cannell, Ak by som brala retinol o davke 10000IU, aku davku vitaminu D a luteinu by som mala popri tom brat? Co poviete na tieto pripravky?0: http://www.iherb.com/Now-Foods-Vitamin- … l&ic=2
http://www.iherb.com/Now-Foods-Lutein-1 … l&ic=1
Este dodam, ze som lahky astmatik, alergik na peniciliny, cefalosporiny, acylpyriny, paliny, ambrozie, kolofoniu a perubalzam. Mozem brat tieto pripravky bez obav z nejakej alergickej reakcie na ne?