Dakujem a vazim si odpoved. Trosku som zmatena kde je pravda a ako je to vlasnte s chovanim sa zaludka pri brani Betain HCL.
Na niektorych strankach som si precitala ze by sa na lacny zaludok nemal brat Betain HCL alebo by sa nemal brat s jedlom bez proteinov..lebo je to bolestive a nevypoveda to o dostatku/ nedostatku kyseliny . Tu pisu viac ( http://scdlifestyle.com/2013/10/4-commo … -mistakes/ )
Dalej ze sa pise ze ak sa Betain HCL berie s jedlom a je citit "GI discomfort " tak je dostatok kyseliny a ak necitit ziadnu zmenu tak je jej malo:
You must follow the process below to figure out the right dosage to get the maximum benefit.
1.Eat a meal that contains at least 15-20grams of protein (about 4-6ounces of meat).
2.Start by taking 1 pill (650mg or less) of Betaine HCL during the beginning of the meal.
3.Finish the meal as normal and observe your body for any changes in feeling associated with the stomach and belly button area. Things to look for: heaviness, hotness, burning, or other GI distress.
4.Stay at this dosage of 1 pill for another day of meals with protein and if you don’t notice anything on the 3rd day, try 2 pills.
5.Stay there for another day and then try 3 pills.
6.Keep increasing the number of pills taken with each meal until you notice some GI discomfort described in step #3.
7.When this happens, you will know your ideal Betaine HCL dosage is 1 pill less. For example, if you felt the discomfort going from 5 pills to 6 pills, then 5 pills is your proper dosage for a normal meal.
( Zdroj: http://scdlifestyle.com/2012/03/how-to- … omach-acid )
Moj osobny postreh po dnesnom obede: Dnes som si na zaciatku obeda dala Betain HCL... nemala som tazkosti bezpostredne po dojedeni, ale este po niekolkych hodinach som citila pocit tazoby a diskonfortu v zaludku- asi tazko mi travilo.... (predpokladam ze vdaka tabletke) Pricom za normalnych okolnosti nemam taketo tazkosti s travenim (teda ich tak markantne nepocitujem, iba vynimocne). Napriek tomu ze mam vraj Helikobaktera.... necitim ziadne vyrazne problemy s travenim.
Takze kedze som mala na prazdny zaludok krce po zobrati Betain HCL tabletky + taktiez tabletka spolu s obedom mi nezabezpecila jednoduche travenie, ale naopak mi tazko travilo a citila som ze mi obed lezal este dlho v zaludku.... zamena malo kyseliny?
Dakujem za objasnenie.