Téma: GSE - štúdia

neviem, či to tu už bolo, ale natrafil som na jednu štúdiu z University of Texas Medical Branch, ktorá dokazuje účinok GSE



Re: GSE - štúdia

pripájam ešte vyjadrenie spoločnosti NutriBiotic k informáciám, že GSE je kontaminované toxickými látkami triclosan, benzelthonium chloride a methyl paraben. Tí, čo nevedia anglicky môžu použiť google translator

Thank you for your interest in GSE. Newsgroups and email groups have received postings to the effect that GSE contains triclosan,
benzelthonium chloride, or methyl paraben. The reason is that GSE is very
similar in molecular weight to both benzelthonium chloride and triclosan,
both of which are effective disinfectants, but are toxic to human and animal life. Some tests for BC, triclosan, and methyl paraben come up positive (which is more correctly called a “false positive”) and the same is happening for triclosan.

Meanwhile, Citricidal (the brand of GSE NutriBiotic uses) has been tested
for the presence of these toxins by independent labs, and has been proven
clean. (Ex: Weston Gulf Coast Laboratories, Inc., University Park, IL, test completed in March of 1992. Tested for heavy metals, Cyanides, Pesticides and PCBs and Benzalkonium Chloride. Results: None Detected.) In fact, the accusations about triclosan (used in many dish and hand soaps in the US) became so frequent a few years ago, that Citricidal began specifically testing each batch of GSE for its absence, and providing a Certificate of Analysis to that effect.

The truth is, Citricidal is not only effective, it has been in use for many years (20+). If these allegations had any validity, there certainly would be a history of complaints and judgments against the product, and it would have been removed from the market many years ago. The US FDA made inspections of the Nutribiotic manufacturing facility back in the 1990’s and found no chemical preservatives; and the formula is the same today. Such rumors are false, and are not a threat to those armed with accurate information. The reports are certainly bothersome, but they have produced “false positives”, not accurate profiles. The vast body of evidence from many years of use by thousands of satisfied consumers, doctors, manufacturers, and veterinarians, speaks most loudly against such reports. Citricidal and NutriBiotic GSE are proven, safe, and effective products.

Here are the steps of GSE production:

1) Grapefruit pulp and seeds (the by-product of expeller-extracted
grapefruit juice) is dried and ground into a fine powder.

2) The grapefruit powder is dissolved in purified water and distilled to
remove the fiber and pectin.

3) This distilled slurry is spray dried at low temperatures forming a
concentrated grapefruit bioflavonoid powder.

4) This concentrated powder is dissolved in vegetable glycerine and

5) Food grade ammonium chloride and ascorbic acid are added, and this
mixture is heated under pressure.

6) This material undergoes catalytic conversion using natural catalysts
(including hydrochloric acid and natural enzymes.).

7) This slurry is cooled, filtered and treated with ultraviolet light.

Please feel free to contact us again if you have further questions. Thank


Re: GSE - štúdia

Nuz dokonale vyjadrenie opozicie, napriek tomu, ze v testoch je citricidal uplne neskodny, v testoch na potkanoch bola urcena LD50 na 5 gramov na kg vahy, tj pre priemerneho cloveka medi 1/4 az poliitrom. A my hovorime o davkach pod 100 kvapiek  GSE denne, tj 5:3 = 1.67 gramov denne.
Kedze sa citricidal vyraba uz od roku 1982 a nikto nan neutrpel nijaku skodu na zdravi, inac by ho FDA okamzite zakazala predavat ako neskodny potravinovy doplnok, kedze zavadzia velmi farmacii a ich umelych patentovanych skodlivych liekov, takto kvazivedecky sa to snazia napadnut.
Dovodenie, ze sa molekula citricidalu velmi podoba na niektore toxicke chemikalie este nie je dokaz, ze by citricidal bol pre zdravie skodlivy. Ale ucinne to spochybnuje pre ludi, co si nevsimnu ten maly rozdiel, ze tu porovnavaju dokazane neskodnu latku s dokazane  skodlivymi patentovanymi neprirodzenymi chemikaliami.


Re: GSE - štúdia

Ja verim, ze Citricidal je v urcitych davkach neskodny a ucinny ale na tejto stranke som nasiel nazor, ktory mi tak trochu vrta v hlave:

http://chemicaloftheday.squarespace.com … tract.html

Co sa tyka chemie, je to tam rozbrane pomerne detailne a do hlbky a na zamyslenie.

- je sice pravda, ze na zaciatku procesu su prirodne grapefruitove semena, ale na konci procesu je z toho chemia, ktora uz nema z prirodou vela spolocneho
- molekuly  diphenol hydroxybenzenu v citricidale, so svojou hexagonalnou strukturou su naozaj v mikrosvete velakrat zodpovedne za votrelcov pre endokrinny system, mikrosvet rakoviny a pod... a toto sa vo velkom asi neskumalo
- svojim sposobom je to patentovana chemikalia - takze bigpharma by kludne mohla zatlacit na vyrobcu k predaju alebo presunu patentu a zacat to predavat pod vlastnym menom apod.... zatial trh s citricidalom nijak neohrozuje trh s antibiotikami, ale ked sa tak stane, tak urcite ho zatrhnu alebo patent prevezne nejake velka pharma-firma...

... ale co je podstatne, ze citricidal naozaj zabera proti bakteriam a momentalne je to urcite lepsia volba ako ine patentovane chemikalie, ktore nezaberaju smile

... ale hovorit o citricidale ako o vytazku z grapfruitovych jadierok je trochu zavadzajuce, pretoze z pohladu chemika, vysledne molekuly sa vobec nepodobaju na take ako bezne tvori priroda v rastlinstve a vieme, ze skutocne vytazky z grapefruitovych jadier nie su az take ucinne... takze v tom sa prirode muselo velmi pomoct chemiou...:(



Re: GSE - štúdia

este som zabudol na jednu vec, ktora je spomenuta v tom clanku (ale neviem ci je pravdiva)

kontroverzna molekula v citricidale je vraj metabolicky spracovatelna, co znamena, ze telo ju po ustnom poziti metabolizuje t.j. rozlozi na ine casti a tym samozrejme zmeni vlastnosti, ktore sa uz nemusia v tele spravat toxicky.
V pripade spravnosti tejto teorie potom nemusi byt uplne jedno s akou latkou a v akom mnozste citricidal clovek uzije t.j. ine spolu-aktivne latky mozu vplyvat na metabolizovanie molekul citricidalu a tym tento proces nejak narusit, obmedzit alebo aj podporit.... kto vie smile


Re: GSE - štúdia

Pozri, citricidal je pouzivany milionmi uspesne uz od roku 1982 ako bezpecny potravinovy doplnok.
Takze vsetky tie spekulacie  a teorie okolo toho co a ako robi su bezpredmetne.
Teda z mojho hladiska, ako spotrebitela, ktory tento prostriedok proti roznym mikrobom pouziva uz vyse 10 rokov, s uspechom a dnes hodne casto, lebo moje zlate vnucence sa so mnou, co som bol od mlada nachylny na horne dychacie cesty, sa podelia o svoje malicke mile mikroby, ktore oni hravo zvladnu s ich vysokou imunitou deti, ale mna stareho chlapa to velmi rychlo polozi, keby som sa aktivne nebranil prave branim cotricidalu, NAC a oreganoveho oleja.

Momentalne beriem besne davky exttraktu z olivovych listov, vyse 2 x tolko, co tu bezne odporucam, lebo po operacii zlcnika a atb, co do mna v nemocnici napichali sa mi rozmnozili v tele mykoplazmy a hrozili mi skriplovatenim, ze som nevedel ani poriadne ruky zavret a bolel ma kazdy ich pohyb.Bude to boj aspon na mesiac, tj NAC a oleuropein z extraktu z olivovych listov, a mozno aj Samento, ale vytlct/potlacit ich musim, kde nechcem, aby so mna spravili invalida.

Naposledy upravil: RNG (2013-09-10 15:46:38)