RNG, pisete, ze mykoplazmy vam sposobuju reumu uz hodne dlhy cas. Myslite, ze sa tych bakterii da zbavit tak, aby sa aj ta reuma uplne vyliecila?
Co si myslite o tomto nazore:
"Olive leaf is an example of what Buhner calls “a herb of the day”, used by many due to press hype. “This doesn’t mean it’s not a good herb, but it has begun to take on rather mystical trappings,” he explains. “Its main problem in relation to treating resistant infections is that it’s not very systemic: it does not move strongly into the bloodstream to be circulated to the majority of cellular tissues. So, I do not recommend it as a primary response to resistant infections. However, it is a great supportive herb and I do recommend it in treating systemic mycoplasma infections, as an example. In this case, an infusion of the leaf in the oil is more effective - the oil is better able to cross the GI tract membrane, carrying the leaf constituents with it.”"
(zdroj: http://www.natureandhealth.com.au/news/ … tibiotics)
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